For me, soap is ALL about the scent. Moulton Brown is hands down my favorite, and after almost three decades, I can still smell it. Other benefits are minimal. As you wash the soap off-right? Now if the scent conjures up some deep, pleasant memory of breastfeeding and periods that gets your Oxytocin going? And yes, that is a total reach :) but the best I can come up with. I do like when she says the “Essence of Morherhood”- she has expanded the definition of that. Glad she has found a way to generate income and can support herself. With a colleague, we have to wonder what great mild would cost id you could buy it. It's undervalued, ie the energy and effort to produce and provide it. Its ded more than the piece of even the best soap.

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I wonder if there is really something to this. Lactation consultants for years have championed the topical use of bm for things like eczema.

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Thank you, Kim. Nice. I hadn't heard of Oxytocin before, but looking it up, I learned something new today.

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Are you going to buy Shift Happens? I’m tempted, of course.

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It's amazing what Mother Nature does. Breast milk is pretty darn fantastic and no one is has CME close at reproducing it. Imagine until formula came along that's what everyone got! Formula is expensive imagine what a “real” milk would cost.

Bryan the eczema effect sounds plausible. It has so many goodies and if nothing else probably moisturizing. (soap by definition just is not not matter what Dove and Palmolive have been saying).

Full disclosure: I have purchased several bars of siap made form donkey’s milk that was made in Provence. It did have a lovely texture and did not “cling” to skin so less drying (perhaps). I bought three bars total.

Also I would like to disclose

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Every time I think I've seen everything, something like breast milk soap comes along. I'm glad she's able to make a living from it but would there be any actual benefit to using it?

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