Thank you.

😜Just kidding! Sorry.

I actually find a really brief thank you sweet, it’s the 2 to 3 page consultations that make me wonder why we don’t have a character limit. I also feel bad telling people to come in when we have such jammed schedules in primary care and appointments are booked for weeks, but it’s another illustration of “Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.”

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Epic suppresses thank you messages now. Organizations can choose whether to enable this.

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Add this at the end of each message: NO NEED TO REPLY

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No thanks......

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

The acknowledgment of receipt aspect is important. If you dislike 'Thank you', then write 'Received and reviewed' or 'Acknowledged'. I would not simply trust the metadata involved with your clicking 'Done' or clearing an in-basket queue in your EHR. (I'm a physician and an attorney, in full disclosure.)

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Holy cow, thank you for writing this. I'm a patient and am very grateful for the excellent care from my nurse practitioners and I've always sent a little Epic thank you message at Christmas time. I can see now how they'd become a problem. So, what would be the best way to say thank you without adding to their workload? My thought was to make an appointment, say thank you, hand them a real Christmas card, and tell them to relax or do something fun until their next appointment. I'd love to hear your ideas.

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Add this at the end of each message: NO NEED TO REPLY

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Nonsense, a simple thank you is a courtesy. that humanizes a binary world...How about adding a please when asking for something.

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If your post or email or whatever communication starts with “this is awkward,” then perhaps you should choose to finish typing up your communique and then hitting the delete button.

Reading this post wasted a lot more of my time than reading a simple “thank you.”

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